Why you should have a living will and health directive

Why you should have a living will and health directive

A living will and health directive are important legal documents that allow you to make decisions "YOUR CHOICES" about your medical care and end-of-life treatment if you become unable to communicate or make decisions for yourself. Here are some reasons why you should have these documents in place:

  1. To make sure your requests are carried out: You can designate what medical treatments you desire or don't want if you become incapacitated by using a living will or health directive. By doing this, you may be sure that your wishes will be respected and that you'll get the medical care you want.

  2. To avoid family conflicts: Without a clear directive, your family may be left to make difficult medical decisions on your behalf, which can lead to disagreements and conflicts. Having a living will and health directive can alleviate this burden and help prevent family conflicts.

  3. To provide peace of mind: Having a living will and health directive in place can provide you peace of mind by guaranteeing that your wishes will be carried out if you are ever unable to make decisions for yourself..

  4. To save money: If you do not have a living will and health directive, your medical care may be prolonged, which can result in expensive medical bills. By specifying your wishes in advance, you can potentially save money on medical expenses.

  5. To relieve burden on loved ones: Making medical decisions for a loved one can be a difficult and emotional task. By having a living will and health directive, you can relieve your loved ones of this burden and ensure that your wishes are followed.

Ultimately, making plans for the future and ensuring that your preferences are honored requires both a living will and health directive. It is advised that you speak with a lawyer or a medical expert before drafting these forms.

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***REMEMBER: I am not a lawyer; I just play one on my blog, LOL! Just kidding. Always consult a lawyer for legal advice.

I work with many different professionals and may have a good referral for you so CONTACT ME, I'm here to help!

Melissa Gootee
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